Into the Flames is an open world firefighting game that can be played solo or with up to 12 other players online. Fill the role of a firefighter by driving the trucks to emergencies, and using authentic tools to get the job done. Emergencies take place in a variety of environments including suburbs, commercial businesses, and rural farm land. Emergencies include structure fires, hazardous gas leaks, propane tanks fire, and more! More emergencies are being added over time. There are quite a few vehicles to choose from including multiple engines, rescues, and a tiller. Players can also assume the role of a volunteer, drive cars, and a Command SUV. More vehicles are being added over time. There are plenty of tools to get any job done. Break down doors with an Axe, or knock down an electrical fire with an extinguisher. Most emergencies have multiple ways to tackle them with the given tools. This game is constantly evolving, and getting new content. Please join the discord to talk to the developers, and help sculpt the future of Into The Flames.-
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows 10
- 处理器: Intel Core i3 or Equivalent
- 内存: 8 GB RAM
- 显卡: Nvidia 750 Ti or equivalent
- 存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
- 推荐配置:
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows 10
- 处理器: Intel Core i5 or Equivalent
- 内存: 8 GB RAM
- 显卡: Nvidia GTX 970 or Equivalent
- 存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
- 附注事项: SSD is recommended for faster load times on Open world Map
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